Much of the mental, physical, and emotional pain that we live with is actually stored in the body from past experiences and traumas. If the emotional pain/stress/trauma that we experience in life is not dealt with in the moment it gets trapped energetically in our bodies and nervous system. These trapped 'memories' so-to-speak can manifest as pain, disease, anxiety, and self sabotage.
Silent Counseling is a simple, soothing method that does not require you to talk about, rehash, understand or even remember the cause of your issues. It is a healing technique that goes directly to the root cause of an issue and allows you to release stored negative emotions, beliefs, and traumas from the body. Simple, relaxing breathing techniques, muscle testing (kinesiology), and meridian point touch are used to discharge the negative stored energy allowing a natural flow of energy back in your body.
What might take years of traditional therapy can be released in a session or two allowing you to be free from the negative thoughts, emotions, and traumas of your past that are holding you back and keeping you stuck.
Physical pain & health challenges (even chronic)
Experiencing constant tiredness and fatigue
Anxiety, sadness, trauma
Feeling stuck or resistant to change,
Battling with limiting beliefs & Imposter Syndrome,
Disconnection from your purpose and lack of clarity on your message
Everything going to ‘sh**’ all of a sudden
Fear, shame & lack of trust in yourself
We use a mixture of muscle testing (kinesiology) breath work, specific meridian points, and other energy moving techniques to release.
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